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London Core Review Cardiothoracic Surgery Course - Touch icon
London Core Review Cardiothoracic Surgery Course - Help Guide
Have you seen our 2021 Event Webinar Setup Guide?

We have created a special Zoom Webinar guide that goes over various features of Zoom and the various roles of the host, panelist and attendees. You are highly encouraged to view this page to ensure you have the latest Zoom client installed and also familiar with the basics.

London Core Review Cardiothoracic Surgery Course - Day 1 - Adult Cardiac Surgery Course Book
London Core Review Cardiothoracic Surgery Course - Day 2 Adult Cardiac/Congenital Surgery Course Book
London Core Review Cardiothoracic Surgery Course - Day 3 - Thoracic Surgery Course Book
COVID-19 Safeguards At Venue
The Royal College Of Physicians (over 2021 venue) has implemented a number of Covid-19 safety measures to comply with the government's Health And Safety Executive guidelines. These are highlighted on our dedicated Covid-19 venue page providing information such as on-site procedures for visitors. PDF downloads and a video highlighting safety measures are also provided. This banner will be replicated on various pages for easy access to important information.